Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Take a Moment

Many of us may try to get through the day without remembering the pain we all felt 18 years ago. Instead of trying to forget, try to remember how life was before that fateful day. Remember the invincibility we felt as a country, the blind eye we turned to other countries... until that day. Visualize where you were when it all went that second plane hit. I'm sure you can be exact. I can remember the way the air smelled, the clothes I was wearing, even the thoughts that were racing through my mind. Now try to remember where you were the day before... I can't, can you? I've read that traumatic events can have that effect.

No matter what your thoughts on the situation; the hows and the whys, it was a day that changed the United States- a day that marked the demise of our carefree spirit.

 Take a moment to remember the people who lost their lives on this day. Including  the 100's of people who leaped to their deaths. They knew there was no help for them. I have so much respect for those people- way to take control of destiny. I myself can't say what I would have done, probably cried like a little baby and prayed like a saint. 

Pray for the families that are still dealing with the loss of loved ones, and pray for all Americans who lost a piece of themselves that day.

If you have time thank a public servant today; without them, there are certain situations that we could not handle alone. They risk their lives and give all for those they don't even know. They stand in harm's way to get you out of it.

And finally, take a moment today to cry if you need to; this tragedy affected us all.

(*All photos were taken at the traveling 9/11 exhibit at the WWII Museum in New Orleans, LA. )