Thursday, August 30, 2012

Updates of Craziness

Whew! Another month is almost ready to come to an end- thank goodness; it's been a tough one. I feel that this was a month of holding on while letting go- finding out what I am really made of. As I stated in my previous posts, I started an Etsy venture making pillows and hemp jewelry, as of my last update I hadn't sold anything and couldn't really care less about it. Well, all that has changed. I have an order! It's not just an order, but an order that is of massive proportions! 23 custom pillows! It all started about 2 weeks ago with a simple email  which blossomed into something bigger than I had imagined. It felt like I was living in a dream! Heh- I still feel like I'm in a dream- and sure I will feel that way until the order is completed... waiting for my fabric order to come in the mail is driving me mad! I had prayed for a miracle, and boy did I ever receive one!

FLVS is working out fabulously for my son's schooling. It only takes us about 5 hours to complete an entire day's worth the schoolwork, and he doesn't have to sit on a bus wasting most of his afternoon. We are spending a lot of time together and I am really enjoying working with him- I am honored to be the one who teaches him the skills he needs to succeed. No, it's not an ego trip- it's such an inspiration to see the look on a child's face when they learn something new for the first time. The way the eyes light up- you can almost see the light bulb turn on above their head. He is still gets frustrated with the work, but it is easier to avoid a meltdown now. I know his learning style and can change things around to make it easier for him. We still have our issues and are trying to settle into a nice groove, but just like everything else, it will take time. I'm sure that we will become a well-oiled machine in not time at all.

My husband and I spent the last two weeks apart. No, not due to a disagreement (I don't think we even have anything that we could be so mad about that it would take that long to get over). He had a class up in TN for a special license that the FAA requires a GIANT test for. It's comprised of a written, oral, and practical exam... this really takes a full two weeks to complete. Well, I am happy to announce that he passed and is now A&P certified. How awesome is that!?! Yeah, I thought so too. I'm so proud of him!!

Hurricane Isaac was slated to hit Walton County earlier this week (which is where we live), we were evacuated on Monday. Well thankfully, it shifted to the west and we were completely missed. We are now today experiencing rain, and have had 9 tornado warnings in the past 12 hours, but at least we aren't flooded and our house is still standing. When the evacuation was put into place we drove all the way up to Birmingham, Alabama to a hotel that I won't mention; it was the worst place ever! It smelled of mildew, was dirty (our little dog found a prescription pill on the floor) and they charged 35.00 a night per dog for pet fees! It would have been cheaper to leave our dogs at a kennel! They screwed up our bill and overcharged us. At least it was a safe place that we could stay while our home was in danger. It was a fun adventure... I guess. The 5 hours each way provided lots of fabulous scenery and even a wonderful sunrise on our way up. The amount of old run-down buildings on 331 is unbelievable. I would love to take a week to explore them. Yeah, just camping along the side in the woods. WHAT!?! you say there's wild pigs in those woods? Heh- never-mind  I'll take an afternoon to shop antique stores instead.

Well, there you have it. The craziness that is my life. It's mine though and I wouldn't change it for anything.

Psalm 125:1 Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever.

Friday, August 10, 2012

One Thing Leads To Another

I always try to think of a title for my post before I write it, but I find that limits what I can write about. I am feeling pulled apart at the moment and have so many things on my mind. Where to start?

STARTING adventures-

Is something my son is really good at. Though this is one  is will be like no other he has experienced. Well, I should say we are going to be following our own yellow brick road. We are blazing the virtual school trail. ( received our materials from the UPS guy last night, and got everything organized and put away today. (thanks to the Haven House Thrift store for having a beautiful cabinet- in our price range- to house all the books and supplies in an organized fashion). I read through the lessons for the first day, and I think I am more nervous than my son is. I am afraid that I am going to fail him, or not teach him the things that he needs to succeed. Thank goodness for that virtual teacher that will be sure that we stay on track. And thank goodness for a friend and her daughter that are also blazing their own virtual school trail- we can be there for each-other and that makes me feel so much better. Here's to a smooth school year bereft of bullies, teachers that don't have time, and nasty school lunches... 

NASTINESS makes me think-

 The world of medicine is sick in need of a check up and some bed rest. Big pharma has doctors so wrapped around their fingers that they are poisoning people, and they try to justify it with the benefits outweighing the harm. For instance, let's look at Coumadin. It's a blood thinner that millions of people are on to treat anything from: "Myocardial Reinfarction Prevention, Blood Clot in Lung, Treatment to Prevent a Blood Clot in the Lung, Prevention for a Blood Clot going to the Brain, Obstruction of a Blood Vessel by a Blood Clot, Prevent Blood Clot with Fast Irregular Heart Rate, Blood Clot, Blood Clot in a Deep Vein, Deep Vein Thrombosis Prevention, Blood Clots in Deep Veins and in Blood Vessel of the Lung, Blood Clot caused by Artificial Heart Valve." ( did you know that it it is also rat poison? (
The side effect list is longer than the list of ailments that it treats!! "Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); back, side, muscle, joint, or stomach pain; black, tarry, or bloody stools; blood in the urine (pink or brown urine); bloody or coffee ground-like vomit; chest pain; decreased urination; dizziness; fainting; fever; numbness or tingling; pain, unusual color, or temperature change in any area of the body; pale skin; purple, dark, or painful toes; shortness of breath; skin sores or ulcers; stroke symptoms (eg, confusion, slurred speech, vision problems, one-sided weakness); sudden, severe pain in your legs, feet, or toes; trouble swallowing; unexplained swelling; unusual bruising or bleeding (eg, nosebleed, unusual bleeding from gums, increased bleeding from cuts, increased menstrual or vaginal bleeding, coughing up blood, bleeding at the injection site); unusual headache or weakness; unusual pain, swelling, or discomfort; wounds or sores that do not heal properly; yellowing of the skin or eyes." (
What these doctors don't tell you is that you can take Ginkgo to receive the same benefit... or you can take garlic pills, ginger, turmeric, and omega 3's. Why is it that they don't give people this option? When did natural remedies become shunned? Where would modern medicine be if there weren't natural cures? It wouldn't be... all medicines originated as natural substances; even good ole Coumadin was a sweet clover to begin with. ARGH! It's enough to make a person go crazy.

CRAZINESS is the realization that-

I actually opened an Etsy store. I haven't sold one thing yet, although I made a set of the letter pillows for a friend of mine (as a birthday gift) and her gratitude was more valuable than any payment I could ever receive (unless someone offered me a million dollars). I enjoy crafting, but I also realize that many people would rather buy mass produced pieces of junk since we live in a world that has learned to use, abuse, and throw away- therefore most people are wanting to spend as little money as possible to acquire their next possession. So my wares are not something that fit into that slot. I put time into my crafts and want to make people aware that I am not going to be taken advantage of- that my things are worth more than something a machine pieces together. I sometimes go to bed with band-aids from the needle wounds that are inflicted due to me sewing by hand. (HA- makes me sound like I can't sew). 

SEWING won't fix-

The Ron Paul book the dogs massacred today. They decimated it, yet left the Star Wars book completely intact- including the dust jacket... what does that say? They don't like politics? Ha! It's probably because the book was more bite sized. Dang dogs anyway. Speaking of dogs-  Our backyard is so flooded that  there are islands of grass. It's funny to watch the dogs leap from one dry spot to the next. I guess we will have to endure another wet day, as the weather guys say that the sun won't return until Sunday.I wish it would stop already. Grrr... Bleh- guess I better get up and go wash laundry so I have some comfy pants to lounge in tomorrow. 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Don't be Sorry- Learn to Breathe

The word Sorry is offensive to me. The definition of the word is this, "Feeling regret, compunction, sympathy, pity, etc.: to be sorry to leave one's friends; to be sorry for a remark; to be sorry forsomeone in trouble."  My mother put so much emphasis on the word that it became worse than any swear word in my world. No matter what happened, I was expected to say sorry (and mean it). How can a child mean something that they don't even know the meaning of!? The word was over used and many times as a bandaid- instead of assessing the situation and trying to confront it, sorry would be spoken and it would be as if nothing ever happened. 

As I've gotten older I've all but banished sorry from my vocabulary- it is reserved for one instance only- death. Instead of saying that blasted word, I offer the advice of, remember to breathe. Those three words of advice are the basis to surviving any catastrophe without discounting the severity of a problem. You may ask how it is possible that those words hold so much power... well- it is just saying to stay alive. As long as you are breathing, the situation can be taken care of.

 I have grown tired of offering apologies for something that I have no control over. Apologies feed the severity and most of the time you get sucked into the drama allowing one to become a victim of that person's distress (I am not speaking of drama in a derogatory fashion). Here's a great example of how it really works. The other day my sister called me to tell me that her boyfriend's mother had a medical emergency; she was quite upset about not being able to get up to see her. My first instinct was to say how sorry I was, but I didn't cause the issue- I am not the one that made it impossible for my sister to travel. So, I instead suggested that she should just stop for a moment and breathe. By doing so, I was able to avoid being sucked into the problem and was able to help her climb out of a mental meltdown. When she stopped to think about the entire situation she was able to see that it wasn't an end of the world scenario and that things would indeed be okay. 

 I am learning to breathe instead of feeling regret; I am learning to live in love and to just let things be.

Friday, August 3, 2012

A Complete Train Wreck of Random Ramblings

We have both recently become unemployed and it is starting to sink in that there isn't going to be a paycheck anymore... unemployment is not an option seeing as we weren't fired. We did this on our own and now I guess we shall have to lay in this figurative bed.

We are like 2 kids who come up with some outlandish idea to go walking along the edge of a cliff on a windy day. We have our feet on solid ground but can see that one wrong move, or a large gust of wind will bring certain disaster, do we care? All the while we are laughing and playing; it's all fun and games until we step too far out of line.

I believe in faith and that the Lord will provide for our needs, but what exactly does that mean? Food, shelter and clothing? I have some pretty decent skills in the kitchen and have survived on gourmet ramen recipes in the past. Housing is covered, and we all have enough clothing to keep us clothed until this all blows over. What about the other things that don't fall into those categories? Is God going to just hae that money fall into our laps?  I've heard stories of amazing things that have happened to my friends, but I just don't believe that anything like those things would ever happen to me. I feel that God is probably laughing at me right now- I am stressing out over such pettiness. He has pulled us through some pretty hairy times before and I'm sure we will make it out of this unscathed as well, but instead of thanking Him for what we do have, I doubt. I get angry and I want to crawl in a hole- there's human nature for ya. We are selfish weak pathetic creatures, but yet God still loves us, and I don't mean love like how a person can love ice cream or french fries. I mean a real deep love. For example, how a dog loves their human. Am I saying that God is a dog? No- I'm saying that many dogs have a deeper understanding of love than we do as humans. They also know how to rely completely on someone without doubting them. Take my dogs for instance. They know that I am going to feed them and provide all their needs. Do they ask? No- it's just something that IS. End of story. I may have just stumbled on my answer here... To be still and know that He is God. Not to ask, not to worry, but to just know.