We have both recently become unemployed and it is starting to sink in that there isn't going to be a paycheck anymore... unemployment is not an option seeing as we weren't fired. We did this on our own and now I guess we shall have to lay in this figurative bed.
We are like 2 kids who come up with some outlandish idea to go walking along the edge of a cliff on a windy day. We have our feet on solid ground but can see that one wrong move, or a large gust of wind will bring certain disaster, do we care? All the while we are laughing and playing; it's all fun and games until we step too far out of line.
I believe in faith and that the Lord will provide for our needs, but what exactly does that mean? Food, shelter and clothing? I have some pretty decent skills in the kitchen and have survived on gourmet ramen recipes in the past. Housing is covered, and we all have enough clothing to keep us clothed until this all blows over. What about the other things that don't fall into those categories? Is God going to just hae that money fall into our laps? I've heard stories of amazing things that have happened to my friends, but I just don't believe that anything like those things would ever happen to me. I feel that God is probably laughing at me right now- I am stressing out over such pettiness. He has pulled us through some pretty hairy times before and I'm sure we will make it out of this unscathed as well, but instead of thanking Him for what we do have, I doubt. I get angry and I want to crawl in a hole- there's human nature for ya. We are selfish weak pathetic creatures, but yet God still loves us, and I don't mean love like how a person can love ice cream or french fries. I mean a real deep love. For example, how a dog loves their human. Am I saying that God is a dog? No- I'm saying that many dogs have a deeper understanding of love than we do as humans. They also know how to rely completely on someone without doubting them. Take my dogs for instance. They know that I am going to feed them and provide all their needs. Do they ask? No- it's just something that IS. End of story. I may have just stumbled on my answer here... To be still and know that He is God. Not to ask, not to worry, but to just know.
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