Thursday, August 21, 2014

Life After FaceBook!?!

I do believe so.  At least right now I feel that way; the sense of accomplishment to quit something so addicting is still with me. It's a habit far worse than smoking in my world (and believe me, smoking was a tough habit to kick; I had to do it... 4 times). Addicted to the drama and the happenings that have nothing to do with me personally kept my emotions on a constant roller coaster. It deeply saddens me that I would often times wake in the night and wonder what was going on in the world of FB. Disgusting really. What is the pull to be a party to something that does not promote a positive atmosphere? human nature? The human condition of wanting to be a part of something? Life after Facebook is going to be an exciting adventure. I want to be part of something, but not in a virtual world. I want to connect with others on a personal level and not have to worry that a post or what I type is going to offend someone, I want more time to spend with my family to make REAL memories... not ones clouded by what others are doing, or may want to see on FB.
I've never been one to 'keep up with the Jones's' but FB creates a virtual world where we only see the things that people want us to see- a glamorous perception of sorts. I want to live a genuine life- one that include good and bad moments; I refuse to be confined to a half-truth life- I like dirt, and no make-up days; I am not afraid to show it.

Goodbye cruel FaceBook- life is about to get real.

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